MOM’s Organic Pinball

MOM’s Organic Market
9801 Rhode Island Ave
College Park, MD 20740
(301) 220-1100
The pinball room is on the left side of the store near the couches.

League play: Wednesdays, 7:30 PM

Commissioner: Rob Wintler-Cox

League Schedule

February 2025

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Subscribe to this calendar on your computer, phone, or tablet!

Eligible Games

For the Fall 2023 Season, all games are potentially in. There are a few that we will summarily exclude because they are bad competition games (Rollergames) or have exceeded our liberal tolerance for failure (Eight Ball Deluxe).

Rules Variations

For the Fall 2023 season, we are going to switch to the Drop Two with Regrouping format. This format drops your two lowest scores, whether they are 0s because you missed a week or just terrible scores. We will also allow 5 forfeits in addition to the dropped weeks. This allows you to miss up to three weeks before you are dropped from the league. 

Due to changes in the WPPR 5.8 rules, Playoffs will now be Finals in that they will affect final standings as they’re reported to the IFPA. However, because the playoffs affect final standings, while players from lower divisions can fill in for missing players in higher divisions, it will not change their standings for IFPA rankings… this is to prevent, say, a D player from filling an A Division slot and suddenly going from 30th place to 4th. Lower division fill-in players will get prizes and whatnot for participating in the playoffs, but their IFPA ranking won’t change.

Dues / Prizes / Expenses / Whatnot

The MOM’s league collects dues of $40 per player for each 10 week league season. We also collect “kitty” money, which comes from any free credits on machines (due to replay, match, etc) during league play. The dues and kitty together form the league’s treasury.

This league pays CASH MONEY prizes to players who make the playoffs, plus a lovely trophy to the winner. The whole-league cash purse is approximately $28/player (for an in-depth breakdown of the league expenses, click here).  This purse is divided across however many divisions we wind up having in the season, with A Division getting a percentage of the total and the other divisions getting 90% of the division above it. In each division, if there are 4 finalists, we pay 40%/30%/20%/10% of the division’s share of the purse to 1st/2nd/3rd/4th place finishers at the end of the playoffs. If there are 3 finalists, we pay 50%/30%/20% of the division’s share of the purse to 1st/2nd/3rd place finishers at the end of the playoffs. We may slightly deviate from these percentages to round payments to the nearest dollar.

It is important to the FSPA that we are transparent about how we handle players’ money. If you have any questions, please ask your league treasurer.

Inclement Weather Policy

League play will be canceled if inclement weather causes the University of Maryland, College Park to be closed. If UMCP does not close during inclement weather, the league SLO may still declare “Liberal Leave” which provides for post-play of games by players who do not attend league. If Liberal Leave is declared, it will be announced here on the FSPA web site and on the FSPA mailing list.

Location Policy

We will be following MOM’s store rules for mask wearing and whatnot. If they say masks are required, we’re wearing masks for league, so come prepared!

League Flyer

You know what gets people excited about competitive pinball? Certified organic flyers. Put these out around town, in bars, on telephone poles, even on the community message board at your local Colonial Foodstore location! MOM’s Fall 2022 Flyer

MOM’s Current Game Lineup